Nexus Skirmisher

Nexus Skirmisher => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nahdar on February 26, 2011, 14:53:21

Title: A few questions ...
Post by: Nahdar on February 26, 2011, 14:53:21
Hello everybody,

At first a big, big thank you to arparso for this awesome tool. Nexus is an old game but still one of the best that I know.

My Questions: I think I have understood the basic system of Skirmischer what I do But it has long been a headache when I use the settings the single player, not the way I set the ship completely. It lacks the single most important object, the weapons generators. Is there a way to change the single-player ship so I can add my request already loaded weapons without the bombers and fighters to delete it?

I hope this is possible, if not. Maybe Arparso thinking about a new version of the Skirmisher?

Sorry for my bad english, i used the Google Translator ...
Title: Re: A few questions ...
Post by: Arparso on February 27, 2011, 01:07:29
I'm not quite sure I understand your question correctly (thanks to Google Translate). Are you saying you can't equip weapon generators using the Skirmisher? I don't know why that shouldn't work - I can select them just fine. For the "NEXUS Skirmisher SP Settings" mod, they're called "supp_cWGen" or "supp_bWGen2" and similar...

Or is it about equipping fighters and bombers? That is sadly not supported by the Skirmisher. If you don't customize your ships and only select the shiptype in the Skirmisher's main window, you may get some fighters or bombers along with it - it purely depends on the selected shiptype and the used mod, however.

Of course, you can always hand-edit the created mission files to add fighters or bombers to the battle...
Title: Re: A few questions ...
Post by: Nahdar on February 27, 2011, 18:55:54
Sorry for Google translate, i try without ;)

I mean the first you say. In the Singleplayer Modus of skirmish i can't equiep gord and NDF ships with Weapengenerators ... there are only the "bsgen" means fusiongenerators. And there are not so many sluts like in the MP Modus of the skirmish?

Edit: I had look again, only by the battleships, the Battlestations, all ghost- and vadragsships have (in the SP settings) have no possibility the install a weapongenerator ...
Title: Re: A few questions ...
Post by: Arparso on February 27, 2011, 20:10:35
You're right - I had a look at it and found a bug in the old Skirmisher code. It wouldn't initialize the default singleplayer settings correctly: while reading a text line from the settings file, some particularly long lines wouldn't be read completely and cut off after the 127th character. That's why it fails to initialize some configuration options for the ship classes you pointed out.

I'll upload a fixed version of the Skirmisher and attach it to this post. Please have a look at it and report back, if it fixes the issue for you.
Title: Re: A few questions ...
Post by: Nahdar on February 27, 2011, 22:26:51
Oh yes, it works, Thanks!

At last missing the possibility the add fighters and bombers, then it is perfect ;)

And a second big, big thanks :)
Title: Re: A few questions ...
Post by: Arparso on February 28, 2011, 17:56:26
Unfortunately, adding fighters and bombers to the Skirmisher isn't as easy and quick as the previous bugfix. The original Skirmisher code I wrote more than six years ago is old and buggy and just plain crappy. Adding and testing new features to this foundation and making sure they're compatible to all sorts of mods would be a major undertaking and not really worth the effort, considering it'd just be a poor hack for a badly designed tool. I'd be more compelled to just rewrite the whole Skirmisher from scratch, but in a proper fashion this time - I just don't have the time for such an endeavour right now.

Sorry, but the current version will have to do for now. :(