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Messages - GeoModder

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General Discussion / Re: New Patch?
« on: January 23, 2016, 17:35:45 »
I suppose that means that when my current Vista desktop goes to green acres, I need to buy thecSteam/Nordic Games version.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: New Asteroid Pack
« on: January 23, 2016, 15:53:08 »
Heh, crowded place there.
Its almost like the rings of Saturn suddenly became silicate instead of icy. ;)

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 23, 2016, 15:48:33 »
Looking good indeed, Sargoth.

Some corporate logo testing below.
Have to redo it of course, the lettering is too vague and fuzzy at places after stretching the logo on the hull plate texture.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: New Asteroid Pack
« on: January 22, 2016, 21:54:25 »
Oh, wow. Way more then I bargained for. :o
I was merely hinting at making copies of the existing planetoids in the planets folder and linking these to other planetoid textures in the texture folder. But this is, to say it in Dr. Veltman's words, unbelievable!

With the converter working again, I thought of trying to recreate the Aerospace logo and putting it on those generic corporation textures made in the past. Combined with Kendo's Stiletto variation meshes that would give us the opportunity to have at least one other corporation with its own logo'd ship (the ISA stiletto), and the variations used as the ISA's ships.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 21, 2016, 22:47:35 »
Still with the vanilla asteroids at the foreground I see? ;)

Yeah, the first and second give a way better 'distance' effect then the vanilla one.

Modding Tools / Re: Issue running Nexus' model / texture converter
« on: January 21, 2016, 22:41:24 »
It seems to work! ;D
Had an old .png file on my desttop, and resaving it as a .bmp made it recognizable for the converter.
Converted it last noon, but couldn't find the file. Lo and behold, I just opened my C:\ folder and apparantly the converter threw it there.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 20, 2016, 10:16:09 »
I totally forgot to check on the Commander/Captain Veltman (and perhaps Carson) issue. :-[
Should have some time coming weekend.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 14, 2016, 20:45:31 »
Out of curiosity, what did you change in this last one?

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 13, 2016, 16:31:52 »
 :-\ ;)

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 11, 2016, 20:43:03 »
For this redacted briefing, can I assume that "62_1_Brief_TT" reads as "SMALL ENTITY-ORB" at your end? In five languages? ;)

Looks like the repositioning works perfectly then. The game stretches things flawlessly from the 1024x768 'base' resolution. 8)

I found a "small entity-orb" remark earlier in the briefing text file, and copied the translations from it over as well.
Pretty sure the German and French ones are correct. Not so sure if the Hungarian and Italian ones are as they should.

Code: [Select]
name 62_1_Brief_TT
0 "SMALL ENTITY-ORB" $$data "08/05/2004 14:41:54" "" 1
1 "KLEINE ENTITY-KUGEL" $$data "08/05/2004 14:41:54" "" 1
2 "KISEBB ENTITÁSGÖMB" $$data "06/28/2004 17:59:14" "" 1
3 "PETITE ORBE DE L'ENTITÉ" $$data "08/05/2004 14:41:54" "" 1
5 "ENTITÀ-SFERA PIÙ PICCOLA" $$data "09/02/2004 16:00:38" "" 1

All in all, I think you solved that issue well. :)

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: Updated Sol System file
« on: January 11, 2016, 18:55:11 »
Just wondering, but does anyone know if it is possible to reduce the ingame comet tail/cloud effect?
Its just that I added two comet-like object to the Solar System, but at present they're not really showing cometlike behavior because they're beyond Saturn orbit. Also, a reduced tail would perhaps be able to make the rings I added to Chariklo visible.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 10, 2016, 00:45:30 »
That she is.

In other news, briefing 63 has been tested and approved. ;D

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 09, 2016, 22:31:35 »
Playing out Briefing 62, I noticed a text error and maybe oversight by the developers.

In 62_1_brief file:

62_1_Brief_5 box: "including" instead of "icluding".
62_1_Brief_T5 header says "ANGEL", but the small entity-orb is shown in the box. Shouldn't it be renamed so then?
62_1_Brief_8 box: Just wondering. In that box the text covers half the entiy-orb model. How about doing the same thing here as in episode 1? Creating an extra title box? Not much place though, I know...

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 09, 2016, 21:17:18 »
All right, Our Rear became a Vice Admiral without a glitch.

I noticed Hilary Carson (From the battleship Guardian) is called a Commodore by Cromwell in briefing 45.
I'll see if I can use the same 'usteprank' trick on this character.

Do you plan to include my little sol map in this bundle? :-X

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 09, 2016, 18:46:12 »
Oh, on occasion you're a pixel away from center stage, but that's nothing really. ;)
Talking about center stage, ingame titles seem to be more centered when using -125 instead of -150 in the title.gui file. I could make a nice position comparison in Mission 52 (Beta gate) when the camera goes over the stationblock.
No, sofar the only thing I saw was the last briefing circle for Mission 53 missing the Angelwing fleet in the end.
Probably because the camera is still moving. Brief 61 I only saw in a hurry earlier today when debugging on Cromwell's rank progress. Gonna check it again after finishing mission 53 to see if our Rear Admiral becomes a Vice Admiral without a glitch.

Do you plan to make a big bundle of it afterwards, for the public?

'kay. Something else I could check out for when I'd like to renew my acquintance with Nexus AI.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 09, 2016, 16:15:40 »
Pffft. Finally managed to pass mission 51 (when Cromwell becomes Rear Admiral after including that 'ugetrank' parameter in the episode 5 rules file) and continued to Mission 52.
At my end, he stays Rear Admiral in the config screen. Might be the rank increase is only cached when you play through the mission. Not automatically included in old(er) autosaves.
Will continue to Mission 53 to see if that theory is correct.

If it works through to episode 6 and Cromwell becomes a Vice Admiral covering Sanderson's rear ( ;) ), I plan to try the same with Veltman. See if the 'ugetrank' parameter works on side NPC's as well.

That looks like the message the error log throws me when I try to let Multiplayer work.

My hunch is that those ship classes are somehow not defined. At least for that particular error. Might be a bunch more after that one.

You could try to either change the "styp's" this particular map uses to styp classes defined in the tacticstypes config (universe\tactics), or create definitions for the "styp's" in this amok map (and likely all the MP maps after that).
Likely this will work since you can only tinker with the SP tacticstypes. :(

On my end, my desktop doesn't even get as far as throwing a shipclass definition error. It's already on the registry level I got thrown out, but I'm still using the original game with a CD crack to save my disks.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 09, 2016, 12:50:22 »
Sorry, was busy getting into episode six. ;)

I'll go checking now as well.

But I did already notice that despite Veltman getting a 'hard' promote to captain, his rank in the config screen stayed commander.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 09, 2016, 10:45:26 »
Checked the rules files. There's the "rank" and "usteprank" parameter there. Veltman receives it in the latter 3 episodes (from the moment he becomes captain of the Brutus). And I assume since this NPC started as Commander it must be set again each episode.

Cromwell (NPC_Player) seems to get 3 steps. Once in the episode 4 rules, and twice in episode 6 rules. The latter is strange. First it seems an open step up in rank (perhaps default increment of one), but the line after he gets rank 9 in the same way Veltman gets rank 6.

Checking this a bit deeper...

How could you play MP in the first place? I thought that has been broken for ages except when using Hamachi?

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 08, 2016, 23:32:45 »
No luck sofar tracking down the real rank title though. >:(
Perhaps not surprising, its changeable throughout the game.
I'll check it out tomorrow, getting too late.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 08, 2016, 21:36:55 »
Okay, first one is found:

in "universe\texts\SYSTEXTS\gsflt_captions" in the TEXT "fltcap_SICaptain" paragraph I changed "CAPTAIN" to "COMMANDING OFFICER".
Of course, AFAIK in the navy the commanding officer of a ship is called a "captain", even if he's only a lieutenant.

Scripting / Re: Nexus and problems with widescreen
« on: January 08, 2016, 21:10:10 »
Mission 53: is in the last move of the briefing (above Chakris III/Ring City) the red circle losing track of the Angelwing fleet what you meant by this location issue?

Ah, and now I see what you meant by 'fleet window'. Its his rank in the config screen. Funnily enough, he's still refered to as 'captain' above his picture, but as 'commodore' after the 'rank' header next to the picture. :o
Let's see if I can track this title down...

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