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Topics - GeoModder

Pages: [1]
Mod Development / Released Mods / [CEP] How far do we stray?
« on: February 14, 2016, 19:32:55 »
Questions to the participants of this 'little' project.

For instance, do you feel my little relabeling of planets and moons in sol system is worthy of extending to the other star systems in the game? Should objects within star systems be open for repositioning in order to simplify or make them more visual interesting? That last one would likely need fixed positions in briefings to be reworked.
There's a dozen or so unused device meshes in the earth\devices map. Do we link existing weapons to these to show more diversity?
Do we use or switch other meshes from within the game? I am for instance fond of the kisszallito_01 model over the escape_pod model as old Earth shuttle. The latter looks too Noahish to me.
Or even models from outside? I spotted a nice usable fighter model or two in Arparso's Freespace Evolution mod with not too many polies (if he's willing to see it used elsewhere).

Just thought I start a thread for this since I have a contribution for it. :)

The intro movie subtitles text adjusted so they're all readable in the four supported languages in a 16:9 screen ratio, and with Sargoth's little trick added so the lines are pushed up a bit.

Its likely this one was the hardest one to adjust, because it looks like it has the longest sentences of all the movies.
Placed in universe\texts\MOVIES.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Updated Sol System file
« on: January 05, 2016, 19:43:40 »
Hi all.

Finally finished updating the ingame Sol.system map to today's standards (as compared to 2004 when the game came out).

Added several (dwarf) planets, moons, Jupiter's Trojans, and Centaurs (comets).
Also, I inverted the Solar System and added inverted textures for Earth and Mars.
The result is that Earth and Mars now rotate in the correct direction (east to west) and all objects orbit counter-clockwise around the sun. The 'dark sun' object from the lightning patch is also included for those who can see the effects with their graphics card.
Included as well are text files labeling the planets, moons, and objects, in the starmap to show more variety there.

How to add this to the game?

For starters, make a copy of the original files just to be on the safe side.
The files that overwrite existing files are sol, sol.system.bg, diary_texts, gssm_details, and gssm_infos.
The texture files all have new names so don't overwrite existing files. They can simply be moved to textures\planets.

Thereafter, you can decompress the attached folder, and move the included files to the correct locations.
I added subfolders to show where each file has to go. Basically, its only to 3 folders, thus not much work.

Hope you enjoy this, and comments are welcome. :)

Game Assets / Nexus Shipyard defunct
« on: August 23, 2014, 22:09:19 »
I'm sad to tell the Nexus Shipyard, boasting several dozen models for Nexus - TJI, is defunct since a few weeks ago. :(
Appearantly the domain has expired, and the owner choose not to renew it.

General Discussion / Nexus Wiki
« on: February 19, 2013, 17:05:49 »
So... who's actually administrator there? Just wondering because the WikiBots seem to have free reign there, and beside moving or deleting the content of spampages there's not much an 'editor' can do there.

Scripting / How to compose the "FocusDevice" command?
« on: May 28, 2011, 08:30:27 »
Whatever I try, I keek getting an from the mission editor over the FocusDevice command in this code:

Code: [Select]
MakeFullyKnown(M.PShip.0, #race_Raptor);
s.this:tMoveTo(M.PShip.0, 2, 0);
s.this:tFireTo(M.Pship.0, 3);
s.this:tEnergyMode(1, 2);
FocusDevice(s.device=261, #race_raptor, 1);

It generates the following error:

Bad function parameter passed.

File: universe\mod_missions\2_Gamma.mission
Line: 184

Rule: event RaptorRaid

Expression: focusDevice(S.device = 261, 10, 1)
Parameter 1: Not a device

Device 261 is the "eng_bFusEng" in tacticstypes, the main engines thus.
The ship which it refers to is the "#styp_IPblocker_Cruiser" in tacticstypes.ini, and it definitely has this particular engine in its device loadout. I do add two squadrons in the mission file, but I suppose that shouldn't cause the error.
Can somebody tell me how I need to compose the FocusDevice command so he recognizes the refered device? Or what I put wrong in the parameters?
Btw, the error pops up too when I put "#race_player" in the second parameter. Tried it just in case I misinterpreted the description in the mod doc.

I finally finished a releasable version of this promised mod.
You can blame Civilization V for the late delivery. :S

What does this little mod do:

Added new labels for planetary descriptions in the Astronomical/Tactical screen after the briefing has played in a campaign. (gssm_infos)
Made some changes to dates -and text in the Nexus campaign that in my opinion fit better with the timeline in it. (diary, diary_texts and gssm_details)
In both cases there are only translations to English and German for the changes.
The gssm_infos (planetary descriptions) work just fine in a mod, but the other three files need to be in the root of the game because they work on the campaign level.
I made this in mod format so one wouldn't by mistake overwrite original files of the game. It's your choice which files you choose to bring in the root of the game (always make backups of original files).

I suggest the following procedure to check out the planetary descriptions:

Place the "Revised systems" folder in "Nexus - The Jupiter Incidentmods".
Open up the mod_tools of the game, and select "Revised systems" in the drop down box.
Press the "Start Solar System Editor" button.
Exit the solar system editor (cntrl+Q)
Insert the game disk in your drive (not necessary if you use a cracked executable of the game).
Open up a command prompt screen, and make sure the pathway in it is "C:Program FilesNexus - The Jupiter Incident" or whatever path the game is installed on your end.
type "Nexus_dx9.exe" - starmap (or "nexus_dx8.exe" - starmap if you have a very old graphics card) and press enter. (credits to Arparso who figured out several prompt commands)
And voilĂ . The game should start and present you with the Astronomical/Tactical screen in which you can select star systems and browse through them.

Link to the download: http://www.filefront.com/17533447/Nexus---The-Jupiter-Incident.zip/

I know, it's been a long time coming. ;)
But here's a first draft of what I talked about a month or two ago: adjusting the text showing up in the Astronomy Screen when selecting the objects.

TEXT "inf-plcls-A"
   0 "Planet suitable for human life, with a dense atmosphere consisting of a breathable mix. The active biosphere may pose hitherto unknown dangers." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-A"
   0 "Moon suitable for human life, with a breathable atmospheric mix and active biosphere. The lower gravity may cause health issues in the long run." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-B"
   0 "Planet with a dense non-breathable atmosphere and rampant surface conditions. By utilizing an extensive terraformation process, it may be made suitable for living." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-B"
   0 "Moon with a dense non-breathable atmosphere. May be suitable for small-scale colonization under domed or subterranean facilities to mine minerals and metals." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-C"
   0 "Planet without an atmosphere. The tests discovered massive amounts of frozen water beneath its surface. May be suitable for vacuum colonies if proper minerals en metals are present." $$data "08/12/2004 10:22:16" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-C"
   0 "Moon without an atmosphere, rich in minerals and metals. Suitable for scientific -and mining outposts only." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-D"
   0 "Huge gas giant, with frequent, high speed storms often visible as large ovals on the upper cloud layer of the planet." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-D"
   0 "Huge gas giant, with frequent, high speed storms." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-E"
   0 "Giant asteroid, with too little mass to establish a spheroidal shape. Most likely the result of a collision between planetesimals." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-E"
   0 "Asteroidal satellite, probably the remnant of a collision between two asteroids. Low on raw materials, unsuitable for mining." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-F"
   0 "Comet with a long tail of gases and dust." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-G"
   0 "Planet with a tenuous atmosphere. Liquid water may exist on the surface when atmospheric pressure becomes high enough, and the planet orbits within a suitable distance from its sun." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-G"
   0 "Moon with a tenuous atmosphere. Liquid water may exist on the surface when atmospheric pressure becomes high enough, and the moon orbits within a suitable distance from its sun." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-H"
   0 "Terrestrial planet experiencing a run-away greenhouse effect in the atmosphere due to proximity to its sun. By interfering with its biosphere, it can be made suitable for open-air habitation." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-H"
   0 "Large moon  experiencing a run-away greenhouse effect in the atmosphere due to proximity to its sun. By interfering with its biosphere, it can be made suitable for open-air habitation." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-I"
   0 "Dwarf planet, the remnant of a protoplanet unable to attract enough material for reaching planetary size. Has enough mass to become a spheroid under its own gravity." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-I"
   0 "A dwarf planet's satellite, mosttimes just an irregular shaped chunk of rock and/or ice. In rare cases it has enough mass to show a spheroidal form." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-plcls-J"
   0 "Terrestrial planet with a dense atmosphere containing some toxic trace elements. By interfering with its biosphere, it can be made suitable for human habitation." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

TEXT "inf-mncls-J"
   0 "Large moon with some toxic trace elements in the atmospheric mix. By interfering with its biosphere, it can be made suitable for human habitation despite the lower gravity." $$data "07/23/2004 15:07:36" "" 1

There's a few more classes that can be added. Ice giants (unofficial label for smaller gas giants like Uranus and Neptune) and waterworlds (a planetclass between gas giants and terrestrial planets with a deep ocean, surface completely covered by water) come to mind.
But perhaps ice giants are superfluous? Any other type of world that's so obvious that I forgot about it?

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