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Topics - EmeraldReporter

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Does anyone know Hungarian?
« on: August 27, 2012, 16:05:19 »
I need you to go to this website: mwent. hu

Dial the Phone Number, and message back what is being said. Please! It's important to the Nexus Community!

Mod Development / Released Mods / BSG Mods all dead on Moddb!
« on: October 08, 2011, 20:14:47 »
What are we going to do now?!!

=Picon-Invasion= Nexus:BSG

Look at those visuals! This is going to be awesomely AMAZING!!

General Gaming / Blacksun Engine -- DirectX vs. Open GL
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:41:36 »
With the Blacksun Engine having been upgraded, (I hope) looking like a brand new Shiny apple, do you think the developers (Most Wanted Entertainment ere Mithis, are going to stay Windows Vista/7/8 only?

I would really hope that they branch out to the Mac, and if not. By staying Windows only, they BETTER release a touchscreen (tablet, All-in-One Touchscreen Desktop) compatible Windows 8 version! At least rereleasing Nexus One in a touch-friendly form!

So what would you want guys? A superb, Magnifisent well developed version being Windows only?
Or a possibly buggy, not-completely-finished Windows release, but with multi-platform compatibility, i.e. Mac OS X, Android, WebOS, and Windows Phone support.

Which one?

Anyways! To my original topic, maybe not related to OpenGL directly, but DirectX. Through the various improvements from DirectX 10, and 11, what can we expect to see from DirectX 10, and 11 alone?

I've heard of:
•"Tesselation" (think of FINNALY meaningful, actual Anti-Ailiasing.
•"multi-threaded resource handling" (Video games (developers) being able to expertly make use of multi-core CPU's (and maybe GPU's too?)

Those are the two things that I know for sure are going to be implemented in Nexus 2.

Your responses?

From the Fexus 2 Funding Site,

Spaceship Component System
Spaceships can now be composed of many different parts, allowing for powerful modular ships that can separate and recombine in different ways, and massive space stations which must be destroyed piece-by-piece.

Would that possibly mean that if one were to design a Basestar (Battlestar Galactica Universe) for example, would one of its "arms" be sever-able?

Or, if you designed a really big ship could you ram a smaller ship into it? Or would the physics, and all that particle stuff be too much, and melt your graphics card?

Help / Technical Support / Nexus:TJI on modern systems
« on: August 27, 2011, 21:27:04 »
Does Nexus have any issue's with modern graphics cards? Or perticular versions of Windows??

Can it support Dual GPU's? Because i've heard that dual core CPU's are not supported. Is this true?

General Discussion / Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« on: August 17, 2011, 03:37:27 »
The timeline for funding of Nexus 2 goes as follows.

As well as commitment:
Forget donating, call it a Pre-order. By pledging a certain amount you will receive as fallows -
@ €Whatever you want, if you pledge €21, you'll get the €20 Contributor plan, and so on...

@ €5 you are named as a contributor on the website and the game,

@ €20 you get your name in the credits+Digital Download Copy, >

@ €50 you get your Credit, DC (Digital Copy), Special Edition Boxed DVD, + Audio Soundtrack, >

@ €250, Credit, DC, SE-DVD, Audio Soundtrack signed by Dev. Team, + Unique DLC, + Possible Beta access, and finally

@ €2,500 Gold Fan: Named as an Executive Producer on the website and in the game + Digital Download of the finished game + Special Limited Edition of the finished game (incl. Audio CD) signed by the development team + Nexus 2 Badge + Possibility to participate in Beta Testing of the game + Unique DLC + In game ship named. AND, as stated on the website. "REVENUE SHARE | 50%
All supporters of the category Platinum will receive a combined share of fifty percent of the net revenues of this project (partitioned according to the amounts paid by supporters). So the more you support, the more you get from the revenue share."

This isn't donating. It is a pledge, i.e. Committing to make payment of your stated amount if, And when €400,000 Euro Mark is reached.

All within day One, of announcement. August 16, 2011
01 - @ €2,500
02 - @ €2,520
03 - @ €2,570
04 - @ €2,620
05 - @ €2,870
06 - @ N/A€250+ (with my pledge)
08 - @ €3,240
09 - @ €3,670
10 - @ €3,920
11 - @ €3,940
12 - @ €4,190 ~ We've reached the 1% mark! Yay!!
14 - @ €4,230
Day - 02
21 - @ €4,720
22 - @ €4,770
23 - @ €4,790
25 - @ €4,860
26 - @ €5,110
28 - @ €5,150
29 - @ €5,170
30 - @ €5,220
32 - @ €5,520
33 - @ €5,540
34 - @ €8,040 ~ (We've reached the 2% mark!!)
35 - @ €8,060
36 - @ €8,080
Day - 03
39 - @ €8,180
40 - @ €8,200
43 - @ €8,225
45 - @ €8,265
47 - @ €8,515
50 - @ €11,055
Day - 04
51 - @ €13,555 (Starting day 04 with a bang! Hitting 3% Mark!)

Day - 05
53 - @ €13,595
Day - 06
54 - @ €13,845
55 - @ €14,095
57 - @ €14,365
Day - 07 Sunday 08/22/2011
58 - @ €14,385
59 - @ €14,435
60 - @ €14,685
Day IDK 08/24/2011
61 - @ €17,260 (4%Mark)
62 - @ €17,310
66 - @ €19,830 (My new revised pledge/investment of €2,500)
Day 10 - August 26th, 2011
70 - @ €20,170 (Yay! What a milestone, 5% in ten days!!!)
August 30th
78 - @ €20,360
August 31st
79 - @ €20,380
80 - @ €20,630
81 - @ €20,880
September 1st
84 - @ €21,030
85 - @ €21,070
October 23rd
211 - @ €54,207 -- We are @ 13%!
November 13th 2011
245 - @ €77,682 -- Amazng! 19%!
December 10th 2011
296 - @ €100,257 -- OMG 25%!!!!!
And counting...

Final Count:
Note: There is a deadline to the €400,000 Euro.

February 08th, 2012.


If you are a writer, like me, you'll choose to be buried with a copy Nexus: The Jupiter Incident...

Well, that may be a bit much. But frak it all!

Anyways, our amazing game in the fan fiction area, has felt neglect, since it's conception. I want to fix that. So please, any language will do. Whether it be written in English, Español, Français, oder Deutsch. It is of no matter, as long as the category grows!

So create an account, and start writing!
On the largest repository of fanfiction work(s) on the Internet.

I am helping a dear friend of mine, writing a fanfic, crossover, and I need help with some backstory, along with the basic logistics of the mission in general.

The story can be found here:  (Please Review! WE NEED FEEDBACK) I.e. - this is the de facto Site of fanfiction on the Internet.

The perticular chapter arc that I need help with is going to play out as such:

One jump before the jump to Alpha Halo, there is a contact on the Baseships sensors. As Cylons DO NOT use DRADIS ["Direction, RAnge, and DIStance"]. Anyways, after a very empty Battlestar Pegasus is comendeered, they set out to rescue the Heritics on Alpha Halo.

Once there, logistically, how long would a Cylon Baseship, with a compliment of 800+ Raiders (and nukes!) & the Murcuray-class Battlestar (with Cylon healing goo) be able to hold off Covenant forces near Installation 04?

Would they be able to hold out for at least a plausible 20 minutes?

Please give me your honest opinion.

And not just one sentence.

General Discussion / N:TJICP - Delayed until Summer.
« on: March 14, 2011, 18:13:39 »
It appears that interest is very high. Now that we have participants, you will need to choose your time slots.

In order to not stall out of content early on, and become stale. There will have to be separation/elongation of the podcast. 

Episode One

Particepents include:

*Sprint-One / Producer/Scripwriter
*Mularac / Stargate Liaison
*Lt. Brandon / War of the Dammed Founder
*ONE SLOT OPEN -- Will it be you?

*Tim Clare/ Speech Adapdation (Hungarian/English Script to English Voices) for HD Interactive.


There will likely be two episodes per month. Or one every third week, whatever the community desires.

*Zsolt Nyulászi/ Creative Director on behalf of Mithis Entertainment
ALSO NOTE: There will also always be a fifth slot for special guest stars or for those who have imminent releases.
Please do not clutter up the forum with with your Requests.

Use this thread to offer any suggestions, or questions that you may have.

Off-Topic / Community Podcast Anyone?
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:44:24 »
First off has any modder, community member with serious clout ever tried to band us all together?

Was that "banding together" moment supposed to be! Because I think it failed.

Anyways, what I'm getting at is, why not try it again?

2 of the 4 Major mods (BSG & Stargate) are onlookers to the Arparso Nexus Forums.

Why not bind the rest together here and have an evening chat day once every week? Via IRC, Google Talk or MSN?

                                                               -- Part 02 Edit --

On second thought, why not make a podcast for the community to listen to?

Since every other major gaming community seems to have one, why not us? I mean, we're small, but we're  still alive aren't we? I think, that if we are to make a podcast, we should have it made in multiple languages. Because really, the world doesn't just revolve around us English speakers, as much as some of us would like to believe. I'm fluent in English, and Spanish. And I'm also learning French, German, and Arabic. (Just don't count on me in participating in any of those productions :(  )

All in all, we should have it obviously in Hungarian, as it was primarily produced in Hungery. English too. German also, and maybe Spanish, only because I know of one Spanish speaker other than myself. (Mularac, eres tu.)

In hindsight, all of the major mod communities should be involved, including (and not limited to!):

*Nexus: Battlestar Galactica Mod -- Liaison -- Jstubbles -- Confirmed
*Stargate Mod: War Begins -- Liaison -- Mularac -- Confirmed
*Star Wars: Eternal Conflicts mod -- Founder -- justaman16493
*Babylon 5: Conflicts of Loyalty 2 mod -- Liaison -- DreamorCZ participation, may be pending
*Freespace: Evolution mod -- Is supposed to be our very own Arparso, but he has not responded. I believe he's taking a "wait and see" approach. And, if a badger him too much, he'll not want to participate... --
*Star Trek mod(s) -- They are all MIA --
*Nexus: War of the Dammed -- Founder --  Lt. Brandon Confirmed
*Halo: Fleet Command -- Founder -- Abysinian Confirmed
*Nexus: The Aurora Affair -- Founder -- The Old Dragon Confirmed
*Wing Commander mod -- no one as of yet --
*Nexus: EVE Mod -- Founder -- EveMod Confirmed

I'll be able to produce it, or write the script. (In English, and Spanish) But someone would have to do that for rest of world. I also think that it should have it's own blog page @, or it can be a part of, or the MODDB homepage.

I'm thinking of going all out. Putting it up on iTunes, Zune Marketplace, Stitcher, and anywhere else necessary. 

Don't get me wrong, any of you. I am committed 110% to do this.

So, who's interested!! :)
P.S. - Oh, and Mularac, on your Stargate Mod's MODDB homepage make sure to redirect your viewers here and not at a spam infested

                                        --Third, & Final Edit--

Hey guys, since this Thread has concluded what it was set out to query.

I'll have to redirect you all,210.0.html Here. To sign up for your slots, at your convenience.

As most of you know (or should know,) has been spammed to hell.

With the very real possibility of never returning to viable operations again. :(

I think, that before the owner(s) of the site decide to can it all, and not bother deleting (the hundreds!) of spam posts, and banning spam bots. We should start salvaging what we can and have Arparso create a " Archive" placeholder/SuprerThread/Forum (whatever you call it!) between Help/Technical Support & Nexus Wiki.

Also, has anyone archived the original Nexus Forum's??

I saw a post in here indicating that it was a work-in-progress in Spring of '09 (or '10?)

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