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Messages - Lord_Valarian

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Discussion / Nexus Wiki Idea - fix me
« on: January 22, 2011, 05:21:14 »
With all the new weapons for the standard missions and single missions(or any new device), it seems were sometimes reinventing the wheel. I propose that we have a list of new devices. Who created it. From what mod. All the details for creating it. So, we could improve on device descriptions and names. Like my modified standard phaser, pulsar/plasma cannon, emp missile. Make the science make sci-fi sense and sound great. You could copy them right from the wiki and copy later improvements to the devices into your mod.

Move this to the Wiki forum or general discussion.

Scripting / EMP Machine bug
« on: December 24, 2010, 08:19:42 »
I'm encountering a strange bug.  A critical part of the code is disabling continuous fire. If not, you will fry yourself often. In the mod, it works fine, but in the missions it doesn't function. Can someone explain what is going on?

Scripting / Removing items from the items list
« on: December 16, 2010, 08:48:42 »
At the screen to remove, replace, and add devices. How do you remove an item from the list in scripts? In my case outdated tech, when you have phaser3, you no longer need phaser 1 and 2.

Scripting / Machine on all missions
« on: December 14, 2010, 20:48:08 »
Check this section of code from "episode_1.rules":

Code: [Select]
RULE event EpisodeStart
condition ActEpisode=1


// Player fleet feltoltese
Stiletto := uGet("ship_Stiletto");

// Lathatosag



If I add it to this section of code, it should work. I think it could done on all missions at once. Look at "common.rules".  It could be the key to adding a machine to all missions I'll try them later and see what happens.

EDIT:  My ideas didn't work. The method mentioned works fine.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Phaser mod/easy mode
« on: December 14, 2010, 02:11:28 »
I'v posted on keywow. So, i'll just review it.  It fixes the lack of an easy mode in nexus. Adds weapons to attack shields and hull at the same time. Adds my original weapon EMP torpedo. It's playable up to E3.  I have lots of other ideas I'd like to put in.  I'm planning to be part of CEP mod.

I need beta testers asap.  Contact me via private mail or post here.

General Discussion / forum bug
« on: December 12, 2010, 08:56:45 »
>I'd advise you to copy (CTRL+C)

I usually do since i'v had this happen on many different boards. This time I didn't. And what a shock! It erased my message. :p

I did back button more than once and the message was gone.

Scripting / Machine on all missions
« on: December 12, 2010, 08:42:18 »
I'm already doing that, adding the machine to each mission. ??   It looks like I can add it whole episodes(set of missions) at time. Adding one statement to a file to add to all missions at once. This is what I mean.

Mod Development / Released Mods / new weapons/torpedo
« on: December 11, 2010, 23:23:54 »
In addition to the plasma/pulsar cannon, I created. I modified the rail gun stats for color blue. attack shields and hull. It looks and works great in game. Also, I was thinking of something I saw in Startrek the TV series. You see one torpedo fired then it splits into three torpedoes into three different targets. I remember seeing something about a command to split one ship into multi-ships in the manual. I'm planning on doing this after I finish my phaser mod. If anyone is interested?

Game Assets / Looking for new sounds
« on: December 11, 2010, 08:36:04 »
I need some new sounds for the pulsar cannon. Anyone know some good effects I can check out?


Scripting / Machine on all missions
« on: December 11, 2010, 08:30:18 »
I want to get the EMP machine running on all missions. Now, I have to add it mission by mission. How do I do this?


Scripting / EMP Machine crash
« on: December 11, 2010, 03:19:38 »
When I use the EMP code, it crashes nexus on missions. On the beta stand alone mission, it works fine. I think it's adding a new ship class to the missions, but it could be a bug. Take a look at the code and see if there are any errors. I'v disabled the emp in the missions. This is the latest version.

Code: [Select]
//phaser mod by Lord Valarian
MACHINE "EMPtorpedo"

STATE Default

//disable continous fire
RULE event In
  Debug("EMP setup");

EMP_Ships:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Ships, 0);

EMP_Device_List:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Device_List, 0);

SelectShips(EMP_Ships, 1);
If(AllNumOf(EMP_Ships)>0, //if list not blank, damage devices
SelectDevices(EMP_Device_List, S.this, S.this:devType = #weap_emp_torpedo);
S.this:contFire:= 0;


//check for any exploding EMP Torpedos
RULE event Exploded
// E:ship -> the missile
// E:ship:launcherWeapon -> the torpedo launcher having fired that missile
// E:ship:launcherWeapon:devType -> the launcher's devicetype
E:ship:launcherWeapon:devType = #weap_emp_torpedo;

// Debug(S.this, " distance from target=  ", Distance_To_Target_Ship);

Debug("EMP exploded");
Debug("Target is", E:ship:target);

EMP_Ships:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Ships, 0);

EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp, 0);

EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown, 0);

EMP_Device_List:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Device_List, 0);

EMP_Fighters_Missiles:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Fighters_Missiles, 0);

//master list of ships
SelectShips(EMP_Ships, IsValid(s.this) & (Distance(E:ship:target, S.this) < 5000));
// & not(s.race = #race_Locust));
Debug("master list of ships");  Dump(EMP_Ships);  Debug("---------------------------------"); 

// CopyIf(to-list, from-list, condition);

//Ships hit by emp with shield up
CopyIf(EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp, EMP_Ships, S.this:IsShielded);
Debug("Ships Shields Up");  Dump(EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp);  Debug("---------------------------------"); 
If(AllNumOf(EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp)>0, //if list not blank, damage shields
Shield_Energy_Level:= S.this:shieldIntegrity - 100;
if (Shield_Energy_Level < 0,
Shield_Energy_Level:= 0;
S.this:shieldIntegrity:= Shield_Energy_Level;

//Ships hit by emp with shield down
CopyIf(EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown, EMP_Ships, S.this:IsShielded = 0  );
Debug("Ships Shields Down");  Dump(EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown);  Debug("---------------------------------");
If(AllNumOf(EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown)>0, //if list not blank, damage devices

//if not hit by a previous emp
if (S.this:empFlag = 0,
S.this:empFlag:= 1;
// Debug(S.this, " Devices Disabled:  emp flag=  ", S.this:empFlag);

//damage level based on range from emp blastwave center
Distance_To_Target_Ship:= Distance(E:ship:target, S.this);

if (Distance_To_Target_Ship = 0,
LowRange:= 50;
HighRange:= 100;

if ((Distance_To_Target_Ship > 0) & (Distance_To_Target_Ship <= 1000),
LowRange:= 35;
HighRange:= 100;

if ((Distance_To_Target_Ship > 1000) & (Distance_To_Target_Ship <= 3000),
LowRange:= 25;
HighRange:= 75;
if ((Distance_To_Target_Ship > 3000) & (Distance_To_Target_Ship < 5000),
LowRange:= 10;
HighRange:= 50;

//damage devices
SelectDevices(EMP_Device_List, S.this, 1);
ExecList(EMP_Device_List,  //damage devices
Device_HP := S.this:hpMax;
newDamage := S.this:damage + rnd(LowRange, HighRange);
if(newDamage>100, newDamage:=100);

//emp disables devices for a period of time
EnableDevice(S.this, 0);
Timer(EMP_Enable_Devices, 60 + round(rnd(0,60)), E.ship := S.this);

S.this:shieldIntegrity:= 0;
S.this:reserve:= 0;

//destory fighters, bombers, missiles
SelectBoats(EMP_Fighters_Missiles, IsValid(s.this) & not(s.class = #cls_EMP_torpedo));
Debug("EMP_Fighters_Missiles");  Dump(EMP_Fighters_Missiles);  Debug("---------------------------------");
    // calculate new damage level after decreasing ship's HP by X points
    E:newDamage := s:damage + (100 / s:hpMax) * 100;
    // apply damage to the ship
    S:damage := E:newDamage;
    // calculate new hpCur using the current damage level
    s:hpCur := (100 - E:newDamage) / 100 * s:hpMax;
    Debug(S.this, " current HP:", s:hpCur, "/", S.this:hpMax, " (", 100-E:newDamage, "%)");


RULE event EMP_Enable_Devices
E.ship:empFlag:= 0;
// Debug(E.ship, " Devices Enabled:  emp flag=  ", E.ship:empFlag);
SelectDevices(EMP_Device_List, E.ship, 1);
EnableDevice(S.this, 1);



Mod Development / Released Mods / CEP mod for Nexus
« on: December 09, 2010, 03:27:53 »
#1: Easy mode is NOT easy. Adding a true easy mode.

That's a very good point, I've played the campaign on all three levels and haven't really noticed any difference in difficulty.

That's certainly something to look into...

I'v already fixed it.  It's playable up to e3.  The new weapons make it a lot more fun to play the missions. The Plasma Cannon is really effective against shields. EMP works great on "back to earth".

Proposed addition, the support ship gets damaged too easy, no shields makes no sense. It will have normal shields that expand out when the timer goes down. For me, adding some long range plasma cannons. The support ship should have some serious firepower. If it's a true support ship, any ships should be able to request repair and reload. Using the one the cheat keys/buttons, for a repair request. All ships should have repair crews for the hull damage. The more advanced the ship, the faster the repair speed.

We need to have the individual projects continue. Then someone to merge in all the changes. Plus individual changes to projects updated to the cep project.

I need beta testers. Post or private mail me.

Forgot to include:  Photon anti-matter/torpedos/(Level 1,2,3), named for the bright flash.

Mod Development / Released Mods / CEP mod for Nexus
« on: December 08, 2010, 04:38:05 »
I'd like to add my changes. Fixing some of the game's failings.

#1:  Easy mode is NOT easy.  Adding a true easy mode.
#2:  Constantly switching back and forth between attack hull and attack shields.
#3:  Adding dynamic new weapons with non-standard effects

Phased Energy Disruptor
Heavy Phaser/Disruptor (Level 1,2,3):  Affects shields and hull
Device Phaser/Disruptor (Level 1,2,3):  Affects devices

Pulsar/Plasma Cannon
Pulsar anti-fighter/bomber (Level 1,2,3)
Pulsar Cannon anti-ship (Level 1,2,3)

EMP torpedo
Only works on ships with no shield or shields down. Just as dangerous to friendly as enemy ships. On a stand alone mission, works great. With missions, it crashes nexus.

The background story I'd like to do as a stand alone mission.

General Discussion / forum bug
« on: December 07, 2010, 22:54:12 »
I was typing a long message and was logged in. When I try to save it, it asked for the username/password. My message showed up blank!  Going back pages didn't work. It was still blank.  This needs to be fixed. Thanks.

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