Nexus Skirmisher > Help / Technical Support

Yes! I got STEC to work! Wait, no, NO!

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Downloaded STEC but couldn't find where to put it. Just to try it I clicked on the one application in the winrar window-the skirmisher. The default place where it wanted to put itself told me where to put the actual mod. However, since the application had already installed the skirmisher, I extracted the actual mod separately. Now, there is no STEC mode in the skirmisher. Is there a way I can fix this or do I need to re-install?

All the mods go to the folder "mods" that it's in your nexus tji main folder, in your case it probably is in:
"x:\...\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Nexus - The Jupiter Incident\"

Just extract the mod and put that folder in the mods one, so it ends up looking something like this:

"...\mods\STEC" and inside that folder there are a bunch of ones like universe, meshes, sound, music, textures, etc.

Then when you launch the skirmisher it should appear the STEC option.

STEC is in my Nexus mods folder, along with Nexus Skirmisher, Nexus Skirmisher SP settings, Nexus Standard Multiplayer Battles and the Samples.   

And what's inside of that folder?

Meshes, Music, npc, Save, Sound, Textures, Universe. So am I putting the Skirmisher inside the STEC folder?


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