Nexus Modding > Game Assets

Default ship models?

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sadly no, it can't be done. But I can offer you a good number of alternative solutions for the problem:
1- Make a brand new weapon with the same effects (start, travel, end lines) than the flak but anti-ship wise and place it on the ship
2- Same as a above but you can also make it automatic, to fire on ships as if they were fighters, just add the line "automatic" to the weapon's description on the tactics (not very advisable, though, it can malfunction...)

I thought so. Ah, well.

Now I have a question concerning energy generators. According to the wiki, the EnergyOutput line is the amount of support energy produced by the generator. When reading the tacticstypes.ini file, I see that the format for the line is actually EnergyOutput (X) (Y). I assume that (Y) is the output, given that it's the larger number, and I'm wondering what the (X) value is. Does anyone know, off the top of their heads?

The Old Dragon:
"EnergyOutput- Energy output of generators. first number is the type of energy. 1 is for weapon gens, 2 is for shield generators, 3 is for engines, and 4 is for support generators. the second number is the amount of power generated every 0.1 seconds. Only Type 4(support) power is capable of filling up the reserve power cells."

A big thanks to everyone who has answered questions for me. I think my mod is off to a solid start now.

The Old Dragon:
No probs, just keep us up to date with your mod. We get very interested in new developments. :)


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