Nexus Modding > Game Assets

Default ship models?

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Just a quick question - is it possible to utilize all the basic ship models in a new mod, or do you need model/mesh files if you want to use a custom tacticstypes.ini file?

you can get the ship files opening the nexus_00.dat using the DaTool. there you can find it, along with some other cool downloads for nexus.

Ah, excellent. Thank you very much for the link.

You can use all the ship models from the vanilla game in your mod. You don't even need to include their files in your mod, when offering it as a downloadable package. For example if you create a new shipclass in your tacticstypes.ini using the "earthmaincruiser" mesh, that shipclass will use the Noah cruiser model, that's included in the nexus_00.dat archive in your Nexus installation folder.

Sweet, even easier. Thanks very much.

Although, if I use a Tacticstypes.ini, it'll replace -all- the existing ship configurations, even if there's only one in the file, yes?


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