Good Question Aparso, i personally feel mixed about it.
it can be a real hassle sometimes to get the coding right, but so far i've managed to get it to work.
I really like the fact i can also tweak the tacticstypes.ini of Aparso's nexus skirmisher program, i managed to make the mechanoid ray explode exactly like a cataclysm missle upon impact, its an awe inspiring sight!

There ARE a few things id change about it, but not a whole lot.
- Easier acess to the main campaign files (mostly just to get a better look at the scripting they did)
- a more in depth manual (it doesnt tell you anything about how to apply each command/variable/event)

- A program that allows you to skim the scripting for any errors BEFORE you try to edit or run the mission (i cant tell you how many times that editor popped up and told me there was an error)

The one thing that is already available?
- A massive community where you can share ideas, answer questions, and ask questions too, and thats this site!