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Where did Sci-Fi go? (tv, cinema)

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Seriously... seems like barely anything good comes out nowadays for us Sci-Fi geeks. BSG is gone, Caprica is cancelled, SGU too, etc.

Is there any decent Sci-Fi show left (or upcoming)? Not fantasy monster-hunt stuff (Sanctuary?), not quirky funny Sci-Fi (Eureka), but just "regular" more serious traditional Sci-Fi with space ships, strange new worlds or societies or whatever...

Movies, too! What was the last great Sci-Fi movie you've seen at the big screen (hopefully not "Pocahontas in Space" a.k.a. Avatar)? For me it's probably "Sunshine"... four frakking years ago... :(

Personaly, I'm happy that BSG is gone. Yeah, it was a good show but story was.................well, mish-mash.

And you are right. It seems there is no space sci-fi anymore. StarTrek gone, StarGate soon gone, B5 long gone, Lexx gone, Red Dwarf gone  ;). Generaly space sci-fi is on the edge of dead. In gaming it is dead for at least 5 or so years.

Well Doctor Who is quite awesome. It's started again a couple of years back, on 05 after about 20 something years of inactivity, and it's rather good. And very hardcore sci-fy, too. Time travel, paralel universe, space action, you name it.
Other than that... I'm out.

Yup, Doctor Who is about all there is now. Like Malurac says, it's quite awesome.

Really? I only saw one or two episodes a couple of years back (from the first new season, I believe) and found it ... well ... pretty cheap and awful. Only saw the dubbed version on German TV, though, so maybe that has something to do with it. Never quite understood the appeal of Doctor Who after seeing those episodes, but I keep hearing about how great it is. I probably will give it another try then.


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