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Author Topic: Recommended: Blue Planet mod for Freespace 2 SCP  (Read 8341 times)

Offline Mularac

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Recommended: Blue Planet mod for Freespace 2 SCP
« on: February 13, 2011, 12:18:28 »
If you were really into the Freespace II trama, then you should really pick up this mod.

The story takes place 18 years after the events in Freespace II took place and it dwells in the GTVA making contact with Sol after 50 years of silence by building a knossos-type portal from Delta Serpentis to Sol.

This mod has pretty much everything. New models (the whole Sol fleet and new destroyers, cruisers and corvettes for GTA), voice acting (in the first part only, though), stunning cinematic action and a very rich trama and storyline.

For now, the mod comes in two parts, the 1º called Age of Aquarius and a 2º one War in Heaven whilst being a 3º in production (TBA release, I'm afraid)

A very solid and enjoyable mod that you should really take a look at if you're into Freespace at all.

I actually recommend you stay clear of the videos and media... they actually contain some minor spoilers about the trama in War in Heaven...

Anyway, here's the link to mod's page:
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 12:48:07 by Mularac »