Nexus Modding > Game Assets

Object animations in Layout

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Damn, just one more limitation! hah. Thanks for looking that up, Arparso. :)

I suppose you could also use something like SetMotionFactor(factor) to fast-forward in time. Set factor to 10 and your 10 seconds animation startup phase would be over in just a single real-time second. Combined with a one-second-fade-in effect it could be a viable option to hide this startup phase.

The mission script would need some adjustments, though, because any timed event you have already scripted would also be accelerated by SetMotionFactor(factor). Delaying everything or preferably just the one event kicking off the whole mission script by 10s should do the trick. Might also be wise to prevent your ships from moving or shooting during that startup time.

Hmm. Do the #def# animations automatically play no matter what? I wonder if it would be possible to initialize it's animation right when the mission loads. Maybe it would start up instantly? I don't see why it works (as I think it should) in the model viewer, but not the game itself. Rather frustrating (chalk up another one! :P).

Having one hell of a time right now. Not sure exactly what I did but now my models wont export correctly from the LWS file. They come out as like 2KB files instead of the 2-3MB they should be. :|

Huh, sounds like a nasty bug. Does no model work anymore or just the ones you were working on?

If you send one my way, I could have a look at it and see if it converts for me.


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