But we could also split the "modding" into more appropiate areas, like campaign modding, regular scripting problems, mod-related issues, tools, etc.
I'm not sure about some of these. Does campaign modding warrant its own board? There weren't that many topics specifically targetting campaign scripting in the past. Also "mod-related issues" might have too much overlap with Nexus' "Help / Technical Support" board.
Making a "Tools" board sounds good, though... might be somewhat overlapping with moddb's download section or the section in the Wiki (if it'd feature more stuff), but that way we'd have a centralized place to offer support and suggestions as well.
How about creating a separate modding category and splitting the modding board into forums like:
- Game Assets
- Scripting
- Modding Tools
- Released Mods (?)
"Game Assets" would primarily deal with the creation and importing process for models, textures and sound files. Could be expanded to include effects and tacticstypes editing as well.
"Scripting" would obviously deal with everything scripting-related, be it missions, campaign, AI or whatever.
"Released Mods" I'm not sure about. To fill it with meaningful content, mod makers would need to actually come here and maintain their release threads, adding another burden while they try to keep their own site, forum and/or moddb profile up-to-date. Still, we'd need a place for people to announce their new mods or discuss new modding ideas... probably make it a combined "Mod Development / Mod Releases"-board?
And we very much should split that aweful "scripting issues" board into separate ones in accordance to each problem asked in that thread...
Yeah, that huge thread bothered me more or less since its very creation

... not because of bad content quality, but because it makes finding stuff again a pain in the ass ... and not just for guests or new members.
The old forum software didn't even have a function to split threads, but the new one does... so I might actually do that in the next few days.