Oh-kay... I'm currently trying to balance fighter combat, but got a pretty annoying problem: I can't properly restrict the fighting range for my fighter-vs-fighter weaponry.
It's a regular anti-fighter weapon, purpose 5, projectile-based (no laser) and installed into the fighters' flak slot:
Name "weap_subach_hl7"
Category 1
Civilization 1
Sets 7 30 39 ;
Purpose 5 ;
HitChanceCat 9
AutoDistance 1800
Substance 3
Charge 1
EnergyIn 4
PenetrateShield 0
DamageHull 27
DamageShield 21
DamageDevice 9
Scanned 100
HPmax 100000
RepairHP 16
Start 2 0 100 1
Travel 2 450 101 1
End 1 0 102 1
CannonMaxFireAng 25
Problem is, they attack from 5km distance... which looks totally ridiculous...
AutoDistance supposedly limits firing distance on automatic weapons (like flak lasers in vanilla Nexus) and it works somewhat - when not being given a direct attack order on an enemy squadron, the fighter only starts firing when a viable target enters his AutoDistance-range. That's what I actually want. But if the player gives a "attack this enemy squadron"-order, the fighter starts firing from as much as 5km distance (Nexus' default close-combat range).
Changing the weapon to a continious laser beam fixes that, as you can limit the laser's range in the Travel-property of the DEVICETYPE, but Freespace has no frakking laser beams for fighters - I need a projectile-based weapon and limit its range.
Even worse... the exact same thing works perfectly fine for attacking capital ships, with a Purpose of 2. But I can't attack fighters with a Purpose-2-weapon...